Thursday, February 5, 2009

I don't want to be left out...

Okay, so I must be the most boring person on the internet. Is that a good thing or bad? It seems like EVERYONE is updating their blogs, facebooks, all that good stuff with pictures and stories. What do I have? Nothing. I can't even remember when I took a picture last...(maybe Christmas?). I used to be so good with Conner's pictures...I had a picture of everything...first bath, first bottle, first walking, first i got into the mud while mom wasn't looking. Now what do I have to show? Oh, well. Maybe I can blame it on the pregnancy?

Speaking of pregnancy, I am now 17 weeks along. Yea! I still have a long, long way to go, though. We get to find out next month if we're having a girl or boy. We are super excited and we're planning on taking Conner along for the sonogram. I know, I know, he won't even know what's going on, but I still want him to be there. Is that weird?

Conner's talking so much right now. We've been trying to teach him to play nice and say nice words and all that fun parenting stuff. So, the other day I was telling him not to do something (because he's two and gets into EVERYTHING). He turns around and looks me right in my eyes and says "Be nice, Momma." Think he's heard that somewhere once or twice?


SarahJeanie said...

Too funny! I hear the boys saying things all the time that have come from my mouth. It really makes you think before you say something! Thanks for updating! I was wondering if you had fallen off the face of the earth! ;-) I think it's great you want to take Conner to the sonogram with you! Miss you!