Here are a few pictures that Conner decided to take with my camera. I thought it was pretty good insight on the views of a 3 year old! this in just 11 months?!
...and 11 months have already flown by? Goodness. (please don't notice the dirty feet...i know only perfect, on-top-of-everything mothers have their children's feet and other limbs always clean. i am not one of those moms. :) but, please do notice those thick thighs...aren't they funny?!!!)
Someday soon I will have to post a video on Gage moving around. He's been doing it for a month or two now. He scoots on his bottom and it is the funniest thing I have ever seen. Conner calls him our "Scooty Booty Boy."
Oh, and how in the world did my baby go from this... this in just 11 months?!
...and 11 months have already flown by? Goodness. (please don't notice the dirty feet...i know only perfect, on-top-of-everything mothers have their children's feet and other limbs always clean. i am not one of those moms. :) but, please do notice those thick thighs...aren't they funny?!!!)
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